Here is a list of six most popular geographers of Germany, who in the late nineteenth century made significant contribution to systematic studies, both in physical geography and human geography. Geographer # 1. Oscar Peschel: Oscar Peschel initiated a movement which sought to give the contemporary German geography a new outlook, orientation and dimension that […]
6 Most Popular Geographers of Germany | Geographers | Geography
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Essay on Germany | Hindi | Europe | Geography
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Read this essay to learn about the geographical conditions of Germany in Hindi language. जर्मनी यूरोप महाद्वीप का औद्योगिक नथा आर्थिक दृष्टि से विकसित राष्ट्र है । दूसरे विश्व युद्ध के बाद इस प्रदेश का पश्चिम जर्मनी तथा पूर्व जर्मनी में विभाजित हुआ था परंतु ३ अक्तूबर, १९९० में उनका एकीकरण हुआ और जर्मन गणतांत्रिक […]