The sediments deposited in the oceans and the seas are derived from three major sources: 1. Terrigenous Sources 2. Volcanic Eruptions 3. Marine Plants and Animals. Source # 1. Terrigenous Materials: The continental rocks are disintegrated and decomposed due to various types of weathering and thus fine to coarse sediments are formed. These sediments of […]
How to Derive Sediments Deposited in the Oceans? | Geography
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Ocean Deposits: Meaning, Classification and Distribution | Geography
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Ocean Deposits 2. Classification of Ocean Deposits 3. Distribution. Introduction to Ocean Deposits: The unconsolidated sediments, derived from various sources, deposited at the sea floors are included in ocean deposits. The study of ocean (marine) deposits includes the consideration of types of sediments, their sources, […]